I am sitting here writing my book on this cold rainy day, and a thought has occurred to me.
You don't need another 'how-to' book.
People are constantly looking for the 'how-tos' in life. Tell me how to get healthy. Tell me how to be successful. Tell me how to stay motivated. Tell me how to hit all my goals. Tell me how to be happy. Tell me, tell me, tell me. And do it quickly! I only have 3 minutes.
Does this sound familiar?
How to do it isn't the problem. The answers are out there and easy to access. I have a bookcase behind me with all the answers. We should all be winning with all the information at our fingertips. Well, that's not the case. I read recently that 95% of us fail or fall short of our goals.
You don't need more information if you want to transform your life. You need to change the way you think.
We are a society that has become accustomed to immediate results. Today I was trying to figure out what one of the plants was in my garden. I grabbed my phone, and within seconds I had my answer. Twenty years ago, I would have grabbed a book and looked it up. This morning my internet was slow, and I got so frustrated. I was trying to look something up that twenty years ago; I would have had to grab a book to find the answer. With emerging AI technology, we can all perform tasks that usually take hours in just minutes. Our concept of time is changing and hampering our mindset in a way that is holding us back from success.
Let me explain. Back to my garden - it is an excellent analogy because it demonstrates the natural progression of life. Plant. Cultivate. Grow.
Ahhh....but it takes time to cultivate. We are training our brains to skip this step and expect results immediately. This is where mindset steps in and elevates the 5% who are winning. Those folks are the ones who understand the consistency of habits to transform a 'how-to' into a successful result. Every leader I mentor has a similar superpower that's not really super - it's simple. They are consistent. I help them with the 'how-to' they apply the consistency. They win.
There is no such thing as instant success. Success becomes a reality when cultivation becomes a habit. Switch the word cultivation with consistency; this is where mindset and action come together and get you to the 5% who are getting results.
Use the 'how-tos' to create a simple plan. Change your mindset to one that accepts that success takes consistency and habit to get results. It will take time to break out of the expectation of instant results, so reward yourself for taking the first step. The result you are going for may look very complex as you get started, but it's not. It never is. Focus on the simple little things compounded over time to get you there.
Mindset makes the magic happen. Time is on your side.