What does success mean to you? I work in an environment where people are very focused on being successful and are constantly talking about it. I am fortunate because I think I have been very successful in my personal life and in my professional life. When I actually think about it, it really isn't all that complicated. If I break it down, here's what I think works:
1. Be passionate about life and other people. If you are going to do something - just go for it. Don't be wishy-washy! Live life with passion. We can all think of people who live their lives like this and they tend to have lots of friends. People are attracted to that energy and it is way more fun to live your life that way. When you do something, have fun.
2. Assume the best about people. I always expect that people will be nice to me and that they will do the right thing. If you expect the worst, that's what you get. I expect the best and most of the time that's what I experience.
3. Help people get what they want. More often than not, if you need something from someone, you will get it if you help them get what they need first. It is easy, simply ask; "What can I do to help you? Is there something you need?". Then do what you can to help them. It really isn't that hard and you will find that if you genuinely help others with no expectations for anything in return, you wind up getting more out of it than you ever imagined.
4. Be a great listener. I think this is a tough one for many people but if you can work on this skill it will reward you over and over again. Why? People will like you when they know you care enough to listen to them. In our busy lives, not many people take the time to really listen to each other. Remember, when you are well-liked, people will help you get what you want.
5. Smile! When you have a smile on your face you are approachable. Successful people are happy people who are always smiling. People want to be around them and are willing to help them out when necessary - and that leads to success!
6. Be yourself. Why be anyone else? It is okay to show your vulnerability. I recently wrote a blog post that was very transparent and showed a side of me that few have seen. It was amazing the amount of support I received. People can see when you are being phony, so why bother? Being authentic and true to yourself builds trust, and people who trust you are always willing to help you succeed.
7. Use the following words as often as possible: Please. Thank You. I am sorry. I love you. It is actually quite simple. When you ask for something say 'please'. When you receive something say 'thank you'. When you make a mistake, say 'I am sorry'. When you love someone, tell them -and often! It is amazing how these words have the power to build stronger relationships.
8. Serve, don't sell. No one likes to be sold to, yet I see it all the time on social media. People in my industry continually are trying to sell to their friends instead of serving them. The ones that serve are always much more successful. How do you do this? By creating and sharing your journey. When you share your journey, you are serving those around you by giving them a solution to a need they have. They will come to you because they want to be a part of your journey. Don't push it on them - that never works!
9. Take the time to treat people well. Send a card to a friend or colleague. Write notes instead of emails. Perform random acts of kindness for no reason. Surprise a customer with a special service. Recognize those who interact with your children with a small token of your appreciation. These types of actions bring happiness to others and they will look forward to seeing you. When it comes time for you to need their help, they will be more than willing to oblige.
10. Be genuine in all that you do. Everything I just listed will fail you if you are not genuine with each one. Never pretend to be something that you are not, but you can certainly work on the areas that don't come natural to you so that they become a habit. If you want to be successful, this is not negotiable.
Thank you for reading my blog. I certainly appreciate you and I hope that I have helped you!
Lesson learned: Successful people put others first and live in a way that makes them likeable.
Be Great!