Someone in my office told me recently that I was the nicest person they know. It was a wonderful compliment and caught me completely off guard. It got me thinking about what it means to be nice. I think it is much easier to go through my daily life being kind and considerate to those around me. The feeling is not always reflected back to me, but I don't care. I have seen enough in this lifetime to understand that someone's unpleasantness is not a reflection of me, but of them. How sad is that?
Another thing that I have noticed is that I attract nice people to me. Nice people like to hang together and I have some wonderful friends in my life, that's for sure!
How can you be nicer? Here are my tips:
Compliment those around you for the small things that you notice.
Smile at people.
Don't judge.
Say please, thank you, and excuse me.
Say you are sorry.
Hold the door open.
Offer to help.
Support people in their decisions.
Look for the positive in any situation.
When someone is upset, share a kind word.
When you see someone drop something, help them pick it up.
I could continue the list, but hopefully by now you get the idea.
The lesson: Being nice takes a lot less energy than being miserable. Make it a habit!
Be Great!